Have you ever seen a political drama where the lead was a good man – and a Republican? Well, you won’t here, either. Once again, the caring, good-looking candidate is a Democrat. I mention that because the powers that be in Hollywoodland never seem to show Republicans in a favorable light. Admittedly, the Democratic Party doesn’t fare much better in this production, but it would be refreshing to see someone in the GOP not merely used as a comical foil. “Running Mates” gives us a cynical look at the wheelings and dealings of the political system. While the lead and his main aide espouse the need for financial reform, their personal morality seems as hypocritical as the film’s villains. When did morality become a non-issue in the politician’s makeup? Oh, yeah. The film points out that money and a misuse of power are choking the political system. And while our leaders publically maintain that virtue and integrity are important, privately they are anything but chaste. Due to the lighthearted treatment of adultery, the one nude shot, the sexual innuendo and the overall cynical portrait of political life, we cannot recommend this film for family viewing.
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