“American Tragedy” portrays high-priced, indulgent, win-at-all-costs attorneys bent on saving their client, no matter the truth. The script is perceptive and wonderfully acted by Rhames (Johnnie Cochran), Silver (Bob Shapiro) and Plummer (F. Lee Bailey). This miniseries gives the viewer an insightful look into the makeup of those associated with the defense of O.J. Simpson. The made-for-TV film makes us realize that our country has a ways to go before prejudice is defeated. Not only does it remind us that there are still whites who dislike all blacks, but it also paints a very disturbing view of disharmony as several black characters reveal a hostility and distrust, not just of the judicial process, but of white people in general. Oh, for the day when fear and loathing between races is a distant memory.
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