Billed as a science-fiction action thriller, “Unbreakable” is being mis-promoted. In the wake of another super-hero movie, “X-Men,” audiences are bound to be disappointed by the lack of raw action in this psychological thriller. Bruce Willis plays against type as a humble, underachiever who gives up his dream of becoming a super-hero on the grid iron in exchange for an unremarkable married life with his high school sweetheart. The theme of this film is its strength and weakness – a shy, unmotivated ordinary “Joe” discovers his hidden powers and dons his cape to become a real life super-hero. The script keeps the audience waiting and waiting for the good-triumphs-over-evil payoff which finally comes, but too little too late…unless we are being prepared for a sequel. The key character portrayals by Willis and Jackson are delivered with deftness and credibility. Their ever-changing and evolving relationships on screen are truly inspiring. Unfortunately, the language barrier has been broken once again by an entertainment culture that does not place a significant value on God the Father or God the Son. They choose to use their names in vein rather than in honor.
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