Funny and often poignant, this story of two blue-collar blokes gives us a fully dimensional view of life and hopes in a country torn by religious and political strife. Unfortunately, the language is also blue collar. While religious dogma is a part of their lives, the commands of God’s Word seem of little importance. For example, the misuse of Christ’s name 16 times and the F-word uttered 50 times doesn’t just give us an earthy feel, but also an irreverent, ignorant and unimaginative view of both that community and the filmmakers themselves. The argument that this is an accurate account of how these people speak doesn’t hold up in an artistic milieu. When irreverence becomes a mainstay in nearly every film, no matter the subject or genre, it can’t possibly be looked upon as creative. And when a filmmaker cannot set a mood or tell a story without incorporating 50 uses of one abusive word, it’s time for him to take a couple more writing classes. But what truly confuses me is why anyone would want to attend a movie that blasphemes God, while treating the name of the Jesus as a mere expletive.
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