Time Boys tells the adventure of four young teens who travel through time to rescue their father Josiah O’Neal, a brilliant inventor, who has discovered time travel. Set in 1908, Josiah is obsessed with going back in time to his wife’s sickbed, so he can save her from the recent death she endured. In his inability to overcome his loss, Josiah talks with the local priest, who counsels him to accept the natural order of things, and not try to play God by using science.
Josiah, a God-fearing and praying man of faith, has aligned himself with the bad man in town, who has financed Josiah’s invention and wants a return on his investment. In Josiah’s desperation, he makes further negative choices by continually neglecting his sons in favor of perfecting his plan to heal his wife. While guns are pulled in a few instances throughout, in one altercation Josiah accidentally gets shot. When he says goodbye to his sons to nurse his wound in private and protect his secret, they believe their father has gone into the past, so they take it upon themselves to go after him.
When the boys land in 2016, they end up at their own home, and the current owner, Grandpa Josiah O’Neal (Randall Terry) and his granddaughter Guinevere (Elisa Flores), have a mysterious relationship to them. These modern residents are more than surprised to discover the secret identity of their visitors, but Grandpa eventually agrees to take the boys in temporarily. He outfits them so they fit into modern society and can go to school with his granddaughter, where there are many comical moments showcasing just how out of place these boys are. They teach Guin and her friends how to handle bullies, and they pair up with Grandpa to invent a way to communicate with their father in the past and eventually get back home, which proves harder than they thought, but when they all put their heads together, miracles do occur.
Time Boys offers a great opportunity to discuss the importance of being creative; having reverence for God’s natural order; how to defend oneself appropriately; how to accept being different; and the value of family and loyalty. When the boys’ father is finally able to accept that what he has in the present is more important than what lies in the past, new opportunities arise that give this family renewed hope.