One definition of pornography is literature or art calculated solely to supply sexual excitement. While “American Pie 2” is by no means a pornographic film (although when the cast is not indulging in sexual activity, they spend the rest of the screen time discussing how much they wish they were), it does have one common element with anything pornographic: it’s ability to “take” while maintaining the illusion of “giving.”
True, the film is provocative, with its perverse bawdiness, but every single laugh is based on crudity, humiliation or shock value. The acting makes John Belushi’s turn in “Animal House” look subdued. And it has all the genuine warmth of a peace conference between Arafat and Sharon. Most of the characters are either high school age or college freshman, yet they drink and carouse with all the amoral fortitude of a buccaneer.
Yes, you’ll find a few yaks, but as I said, most of the jokes stem from abusive behavior, with the funniest and best-developed character being that of a crude fellow with an affinity for the F-word. You remember the type. He’d pick his nose in class, then attempt to show it to others.