This is good story telling, and knowing it’s based on a true story makes it intense viewing of a man’s life gone way off the deep end. There are scenes that almost mirror the popular TV show “CSI,” with the main character carefully looking at evidence in the aftermath of another horrendous fire. Because this is an edited version, there is nothing gory nor gruesome for children. When I watched the perpetrator’s bizarre behavior, it again drove home how cunning, baffling and powerful evil is and can become in a person’s life, if given free reign by the will of man.
This is a film parents might want to consider viewing with their teenage children, to provide them a platform for discussion on discernment, faith and moral values in every area of their lives as they morph into adulthood. This was a tragic time for Souththern California, and the producers have done a remarkably good job of presenting sensitive material factually without blowing it out of proportion for the sake of shock value, as Hollywood is so prone to do.
I recommend this Edited version, but not for young children.