After the last two “scary” movies that arrived in theatres (darkness, the grudge), it was nice to view a movie that actually instilled some fear in me. White Noise was a very good movie, I was very impressed with the writing. It was nice how they didn’t just throw the viewers into the whole EVP concept- they showed Keaton’s character being introduced to it, and his first experiences by himself, so the viewers knew just as much as he did. This film is comparable to “Mothman Prophecies”, as the concept of the movie frightens you more than specific scenes, coaxing the viewers to believe that these things are real. I found myself contemplating in the parking lot what to believe, which was made more difficult by the movie showing statistics about EVP.
This film is not Dove approved, mostly due to the concept. The ability of the dead to communicate with us is the main theme, as stated above. There were also a couple instances where “Oh my God” was used- also excluding the film from a Dove approval. I only recommend this flick to adults who are big fans of scary movies, and can tolerate the concept and language, go right ahead. The kids should stay home for this one, as many sleepless nights may follow.