Approved for All Ages

The Forgotten – Edited

Nine-year-old Sam Paretta is dead, killed in a plane crash. Even though it's been fourteen months since the accident, his mother Telly still grieves over the loss. But suddenly, her husband swears they never had a child and her psychiatrist insists she's delusional. But worst of all, there is absolutely no evidence to prove Sam ever existed. Haunted by the memories of her son, Telly's search for the truth propels her into a dark mind-shattering conspiracy of unearthly terror.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

I was blown away by this movie. There are so many twists and turns that I had to rewind the DVD and watch parts of it over so I could catch it all. At first the main character, Telly, is reminiscing about her son who supposedly died in a plane crash. Slowly every home movie and picture and every piece of memory she has of Sam disappears. She has been in therapy for her loss and she thinks that her husband is getting rid of all of her stuff just to make her forget. Then they meet with her therapist and he tells her that she never had a son. She obviously flips out and starts looking for him and tries to figure out what is happening. Meanwhile, everyone who knows her, including some supposed federal agents, goes looking for her. This has to be one of the greatest conspiracy/thriller movies I have seen in years. It has many twists and turns, and it will keep you guessing throughout the whole movie.

Dove Rating Details




A man gets hit by the car that Telly is driving because he wouldn't get out of her way. There is a scene where a detective is chasing Telly and a mysterious man is walking around and the detective tells him to halt and he doesn't and she shoots him and the bullet just goes in and it doesn't do any damage and just heals up. There is a scene where someone falls "to their death" out of a window, but when they show where they would have fallen there is no body. There are also a couple of scenes where people are sucked into the sky from mid air. But all in all there are no graphic violence scenes in this movie.


There is no sex in this movie.


There is no crude or offensive language in this movie.


A man gets hit by the car that Telly is driving because he wouldn't get out of her way. There is a scene where a detective is chasing Telly and a mysterious man is walking around and the detective tells him to halt and he doesn't and she shoots him and the bullet just goes in and it doesn't do any damage and just heals up. There is a scene where someone falls "to their death" out of a window, but when they show where they would have fallen there is no body. There are also a couple of scenes where people are sucked into the sky from mid air. But all in all there are no graphic violence scenes in this movie.


There are no drugs in this movie, but there is a little drinking. Dominic West plays a man who has lost his daughter and doesn't know it and takes to drinking to fill the void in his life.


There is no nudity in this movie.


It's sort of hard to say if there is any occultism in this movie. There are no cults or blasphemy, but the whole basis of the movie is aliens performing experiments on humans. So, even though there is an absence of God in this movie the theme of aliens is not heavy enough to warrant any occultism.

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