This movie was an atrocious waste of a remarkable cast which reads like a guest list at the Emmy’s. Quentin Taratino was only an assistant director but this film evidences his style. I found myself lost at times trying to follow all three stories in the plot, which was made difficult by the “Tarantino-like” cinematography (each storyline is not started at the beginning, but rather in the middle or end and fills back to the original point in time). Like I stated above, this movie should have been much better considering the remarkable cast. There is no gambling in this sin city (except for the two hours and $7.50 for seeing this show).
The comic book this movie is designed after is one of the more violent comics. It should be no surprise that “Sin City” falls short of Dove approval. The amount of violence in this film was almost laughable, especially since the characters that seemed to be killed several times kept bouncing back. There was even a scene where a man was shot with an arrow through his midsection and turned to his counterparts and made humorous comments regarding his condition. Included with the violence are some nude scenes and a truckload of vulgar language, ninety-eight instances to be exact. If “Sin City” was in your destination, I strongly suggest finding an alternative route.