This is by far the worst film I have seen in some time. My fear is that Hollywood in its infinite wisdom will somehow vote to give this film an Oscar nomination. “The Ballad of Jack and Rose” is a huge waste of time and money. It is very disjointed and the only likeable character in the film, Marty Rance, is portrayed as the bad guy developer. In short, most of the characters are nuts, have no clue about much of anything, and are on the fringe of society in their beliefs and actions. For example, Jack decides to bring his girlfriend of four months (and her two sons) out on the island to live with Rose and him. Now realize that Jack raised Rose by himself since she was five. Rose doesn’t even know he has a girlfriend much less that he has invited them to live in their home. What a brilliant idea! Of course, Rose goes ballistic. What in Heaven’s name was Jack thinking?
This movie goes from bad to worse scene by scene. Luckily there were only four people in the audience and two of us had to be there. I can’t even imagine why IFC Films would pay to create a film like this. I’m sure it will just end up on the shelf in Rebecca Miller’s home hopefully only to see the light of day at her family reunions. Stay away from this totally messed up film.