I certainly hope that zombie movie production has struck a dead end. “Land of the Dead” was neither scary nor action-packed. A viewer can only get so much excitement out of watching zombie after zombie being killed—again. In fact, I spent more time laughing in this film than for some of the recent comedy releases. Watching zombies saunter about mindlessly, rigor mortis in full effect, can be quite humorous. Perhaps a fourth zombie movie was four too many.
There were only about five or six people shot or stabbed in this film; the rest were eaten by zombies. Most of the killing was at the “stenches” expense (Stench is the nickname for zombies in the film—one can only imagine why). I counted seventy-two obscene words/phrases, which only includes the English language. The zombies could have been cursing also, but I am not quite sure what “oooouuuuuugggghhhhh” translates to. This movie will be enjoyed by those who are true zombie fanatics (I had the pleasure of sharing the theater with three guys whose faces were painted up like zombies). To the rest of us, however, I would suggest a more lively film.