“Doom” was one of the first “first person” shoot ‘um up videos games for computers. The player sees everything from the gun barrel point of view and works their way through a hi-tech maze shooting everything in sight. Over the years, as computers have become faster and graphics have improved, you see more and more graphic killings. This film is no different.
The premise is that their is a research facility on another planet where humans are excavating a site that has an alien race. While performing DNA tests, they discover that the race has an extra gene; number 24. It seems that this gene has the ability to give the race super-human strength in some. Others become monsters and try to infect (pass the gene) to those with sociopathic qualities. These are the ones who become monsters.
As the rescue team moves through the facility, Sarge (The Rock) decides that they must kill all survivors because they don’t know which ones will become monsters. Step by step he shoots people and monsters at point blank range killing all he sees. One of the rescuers decides that his is wrong so he attempts to stop Sarge.
This has got to be one of the most violent movies of all times. I couldn’t even keep track of how many people/monsters were killed or blown apart. This film is a perfect case as to why violent video games and ‘R-rated’ movies ought to be restricted to adults – if they are to be made at all.