Approved for All Ages


Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but there's more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover, you've got to flip through the pages. For this story, we begin at the end. Furry and feathered cops from the animal world investigate a domestic disturbance at Granny's cottage, involving a girl, a wolf, and an axe. The charges are many: breaking and entering, disturbing the peace, intent to eat, and wielding an axe without a license. Not to mention, this case might be tied to the elusive "Goody Bandit" who has been stealing the recipes of goody shops everywhere.
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

So you think you know the story of “Little Red Riding Hood”? This cleverly-crafted movie shows you there is a different perspective to every story. First we see the traditional tale in which Red comes upon a wolf in her grandmother’s bed. There is a chaotic struggle between Red, the wolf, Granny, and a lumberjack. Police soon arrive on the scene complete with yellow caution tape. At this point, the movie shifts and begins to feel like a television crime drama. Through individual interviews of the other characters involved we gain information piece by piece until we learn, “who done it?” Really, we learn who the Goodie Thief is and how the four stories intersect.

Usually animated films like this have an irreverent tone and are strewn with sexual innuendo. That is not the case here. I found the storyline intriguing and intelligent without being offensive. It was a pleasant surprise that there were no weapons used in this movie aside from the lumberjack’s axe and a thrilling chase scene on skis where snowballs were used instead of bullets. Much of the humor of this film will go over the heads of young children and some comic bits fell flat and felt a little forced. I would not recommend this film for very young children who may get fidgety if they expect their cartoon characters to sing and be cute. However, it does make for a good family film as there seemed to be something for everyone.

Dove Rating Details




: Wolf growls at girl; lumberjack wields an axe; policeman shocks wolf; chase scene on skis with snowballs as weapons; several scenes of non-graphic martial arts type fighting; intense chase scenes including a virtual, first person ride on a tram car/roller coaster and skiing/falling off cliffs; large explosion where no one is injured.




“As God is my witness;” several plays on words like “What the schnitzel?”


: Wolf growls at girl; lumberjack wields an axe; policeman shocks wolf; chase scene on skis with snowballs as weapons; several scenes of non-graphic martial arts type fighting; intense chase scenes including a virtual, first person ride on a tram car/roller coaster and skiing/falling off cliffs; large explosion where no one is injured.


Caffeine (coffee) intentionally given to a character to make them speedier.




Goat has been cast with a spell so that he must sing everything he says.

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