Ernest Shackleton set out in 1914 with 27 men and 70 dogs on an ambitious journey to cross the Antarctic. His boat the “Endurance” was aptly named from his family motto, “by endurance we conquer.” After their ship became frozen and was unable to go any further, the explorer and his men needed that endurance as well as patience, optimism, and fortitude. Shackleton was an heroic leader who instilled loyalty in his crew. Once the peril they were facing was obvious, he thoughtfully changed his focus from exploring to his new goal, “to save every life.” In case you are not familiar with this story I won’t spoil the ending, but suffice it to say it was an incredible journey!
As in all IMAX films, the scenery in this documentary is breathtaking. Filmmakers take the audience far south to the Antarctic with its frozen icebergs and icy waters. There are many scenes where the camera soars over the towering marvels floating in the Atlantic like stark white sculptures on display. The scenery however is only the backdrop for this incredible story of the human spirit and its will to survive.
There is nothing objectionable in this film, which easily earns Dove’s “Family-Approved” Seal.