This is one of those films which does not come close to being wholesome family entertainment. It is a satire about a lobbyist who believes people have the right to do whatever they wish, even killing themselves with cigarettes. He is against stronger labeling on cigarette packages and his talent is in debating other people, committees, and even U.S. Senators. The film includes some talented actors such as Robert Duvall and William H. Macy. But it is a dud for the family because of the excessive sexual innuendos, the language and the serious nature of the subject matter. The main character, Nick Naylor, at one point tells a Senate Committee meeting that if his son asked for a pack of cigarettes at age eighteen, he would buy them for him. This is perhaps a freedom of American parents, but it does not teach kids nor parents for that matter good moral decision making. As it’s a good idea to skip cigarette smoking, it’s a good idea to skip this movie.
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