Biblical Women This DVD gives an interesting background of Mary Magdalene and debunks popular myths. The documentary also speaks of other women in the Bible, and its scholarly approach along with its re-enactments make it well worth viewing.
Biblical Prophecies This documentary defines what a prophet is and gives biblical examples, such as Isaiah and Jonah. The documentary explains in amazing detail how prophecies from Zechariah about the messiah were fulfilled 483 years later in Christ. It also contrasts genuine prophets with false prophets and gives interesting historical information. This segment is rich in information and should please a lot of people.
Biblical Old Testament Mysteries Did God really destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the Tower of Babel? This documentary features comments from such Jewish historians as Josephus and a Greek historian. The site that was allegedly where Sodom and Gomorrah were located is visited, and its remains are closely examined. This is a fascinating look at the mysteries in the Old Testament.
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