There is really not too much to be concerned about in this family-friendly film. It contains a “dang” and “geez,” and that’s about it as far as the language. It does have a scene in which one of the creatures tells another one that humans expect them to roll over and to lick their privates, but that is about as risque as it gets. One character named Hammy, a squirrel, does burp the first few letters of his ABC’s, and one of his main purposes is to “get his nuts,” which is done in an innocent fashion. The character of RJ does attempt to steal the bear’s winter food in the beginning of the story, but it backfires and he learns his friends would have helped him if he only would have asked.
The credits began to roll after 75 minutes and the film only seemed to drag briefly once or twice. The characters, more than the story, are the fun part of this film. There were many children present in the screening I attended and they seemed to genuinely enjoy it. I recommend it for all kids as there are cute moments in it especially for the children.