This short, animated movie manages to pack a lot into its 20-minute runtime. Featuring vibrant colors, Christmas scenes and decorations, and terrific songs, this delightful tribute to the true meaning of Christmas dazzles the eye.
Ruby (Jena Rundus) narrates the story, taking us to an outdoor church Christmas pageant where her daughter, Reagan (Reagan Rundus), will perform. Ruby tells the viewer, “Grab your mittens, and your scarves, it’s going to be chilly tonight,” she says with a giggle. Along the way, we see life-sized Christmas decorations on Ruby’s neighbors’ lawns, including candy canes, toy soldiers, a nutcracker, and Santa Claus in his sleigh, and the sleigh is loaded with presents. But Ruby takes us back to ancient Israel, and to the true meaning of Christmas.
We meet Mary and we are told she was kind, had a beautiful heart, and “She loved God so much that He would bless her more than you can imagine!” The blessing would be, of course, in Mary carrying and giving birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world. We meet Joseph as well, and after they are married, we see Mary riding on the donkey, and Joseph trying to find room at an inn. At the inn, we are shown a man playing a flute and we see dancing, but there is no room for Mary and Joseph and the unborn Child. So, they wind up at a local stable which, fortunately, includes a manger.
Three wise men arrive, along with the shepherds, and we hear an angelic song as Jesus is born. The baby is given gifts, and Ruby says to this day when she decorates her home at Christmastime, she still looks at her nativity scene to recall the true meaning of Christmas.
The songs are wonderful in this short film, and they include “The True Meaning of Christmas” by Reagan Rundus, “The Nativity Scene Song,” sung by Crista Carnes, and “Silent Night,” performed by Jena Rundus. A song about the baby boy is terrific, and this movie will definitely put you in the Christmas spirit. It has easily earned our Dove seal for All Ages.
The Dove Take
This wonderful movie will put you in the Christmas spirit and remind you of the true meaning of Christmas.