I would have liked this movie if it had just been about six women spelunkers who get trapped in cave and have to find a way out; that would have been terrifying in and of itself. Unfortunately, the people who made “The Descent” had to throw in that extra little (ridiculous) tidbit of man-eating (or in this case, woman eating) creatures. This film is filled with imagery that is very scary, especially the blind, albino-looking creatures who stalk this group of six unfortunate, adventure-seeking women. There is quite a bit of gore in “The Descent,” although the fact that most of the mauling takes place in a cave made it a bit less frightening because it was so dark down there! However, this is still a very violent and gory movie, with most of the bloodshed occurring as the women stab, bash, slice and dice the creatures that are trying to eat them. For reasons which are probably pretty obvious by now, this movie is not approved by Dove.