Despite trying to have an original storyline, and despite its efforts to keep the audience guessing, “The Return” is predictable and slow-paced. Joanna (Sarah Michelle Gellar) has been having unexplainable, frightening experiences since she was a child, during which she hallucinates, hears music and voices, and sometimes cuts herself. She traces the origin of these episodes to a small Texas town, and discovers that she has a connection to a man there, whose wife was murdered when Joanna was just a child. “The Return” is not extremely gory, but there is some blood, a couple of people are stabbed, and a couple others are beaten up. In addition to this, a co-worker roughly grabs Joanna in one scene, and then tries to rape her in a later scene. Also, there are a few scenes where people are drinking during the film. For these reasons, “The Return” is not approved by Dove.
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