One family walked out of this movie at the screening I attended. I wouldn’t have minded joining them. However, it’s our job at Dove to inform the public of the content of films and I am sad to say that this film had a lot of unwholesome content. In fact, it would be impossible to use the word “wholesome” in any fashion to describe this movie. Once again Hollywood mocks the Christian faith. In “Chronicles of Narnia,” Aslan the Lion is a symbol of Christ. In this film he is called Aslo, and is a half-man and half-lion creature. He also has sex with more than one woman at a time. Also, in a parody of “The Da Vinci Code,” someone asks a question as they are looking at a painting of “The Last Supper,” and one of the disciples answers from the painting and adds, “Don’t you know anything for Chr**t’s sake?” And the Jesus in the painting rolls his eyes. Throw in a beastiality reference concerning Mr. Tumnus’ parents, and a beaver French-kissing Mr. Tumnus (I’m serious!) and you have one sick puppy of a movie.
This movie is remarkably un-funny and the audience I saw it with laughed once I think. Or maybe they were clearing their throats. The film is showered with profanity, partial nudity, mockery of the Christian faith, and many, many sexual innuendos. I always try to find a redeeming value in a film when I know it is un-friendly toward the family. After seeing this one though, I felt as if I needed a shower to feel clean again. Avoid this one and hopefully Hollywood will eventually get the idea that they shouldn’t mock religions.