There are a few factors to consider in reviewing and watching this film. On one hand, the writer and director and producer and the one-man crew are all one person-Daniel Tadin. For Mr. Tadin to have done all this on his own, including acting in the feature, is quite an accomplishment. However, therein lies the problem. The video was shot on a shoestring budget and it shows. Some of the sets, the lighting, the “look and feel” of the movie, and some of the acting is, putting it kindly, not up to par. Some lines are definitley delivered in a wooden manner. Still, a young girl named Adara Blake who sings in church can flat-out sing.
Sophie Alessandre does do a particularly good job of playing young Anna. She seems to have a real talent to act and Tadin seems to have directed her very well in her scenes. However, Tadin himself is adequate but fails to totally convince the viewer that there are twins in this story. He dresses exactly like his “twin” and there is no distinction between the two to speak of. I happen to be a twin and I know that, although there are always similarities between twins, there are definite differences and these differences are not explored. It would have been nice for one to have been a bit more upbeat or to have used different facial expressions, or something so as to have distinguished himself.
One really good scene in the film occurs when Anna tells her piano teacher, “I know to believe in God just for Him to do things our way is not to believe in Him at all.” Touche’. It’s one of the few really good scenes in the film. However, with a little help and a crew, I believe Tadin could make a better film. There is some violence near the end of the film, with some characters shooting each other. There is no blood in this scene but for this reason we recommend the film for ages twelve and above. For us to rate this as a fair film, and to award it three doves, is in itself is a compliment to the man who did it all himself. We wish Mr. Tadin well in his next project.