This is the final disk of 4 In these episodes of “The Story Keepers” and you will take a journey through the life of Jesus, and be told many wonderful stories about him and his life on earth. Ben and Helena do a great job at telling the stories of Jesus and reaching others for him. Ben and Helena are great role models and will stop at nothing to be able to tell these stories.
These are great stories for you young children, Sunday School classes and school. They tell the true stories of Jesus and allow children to hear the stories in a way that they will understand.
The stories your children will hear in these episodes include one about Judas Iscariot, Mary washing Jesus with her expensive perfume, the Last Supper, Jesus standing before Pilot, Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, Doubting Thomas, and the fishermen.
Encourage your children to watch these films as they will definitely benefit from them.