This movie has a lot of action. I mean, A LOT of action. It is very funny at times, particularly when Captain Jack Sparrow is around. Even the monkey is funny, especially when he holds a gun to a parrot in one scene in which several characters attempt to surprise each other with a “stick ’em up” moment. There are more twists in the plot than you would find in a large pretzel. However, the violence in the film prevents us from approving it for our Dove family movie viewers.
There are multiple stabbings and although little blood is shown overall, a scene in which a woman is shot in the forehead is a bit much. There is also a scene in which a character licks a brain. That made a few people a bit uneasy. We would love to have approved this film since many people like Captain Jack Sparrow and his cohorts and all the adventures which accompany them. Unfortunately, if you check the content listing below, you will see that the violence category includes several sentences in it. The problem isn’t that the violence is gratuitous, it is that there is so much of it.