Episode One: “Prince of Hearts”: A couple of gypsies come to Patterson’s Ridge as entertainers and capture the fancies of 18 year old Danielle (Dannie) and, among others, Hannah Kirov, the proprietor of the general store. During their stay some robberies take place. Naturally, the gypsies are suspect. When two proper English ladies come into the tea room, one of them notices the brooch that the younger gypsy gave Dannie. That brooch and three others, also missing, belonged to the lady. During the course of looking for the thieves, punches are thrown by a few of the men. But, in the end, the thieves are caught.
Episode Two: “The Grand Duke”: Matt McGregor buys a champion bull, the “Grand Duke of Rutherland” and he has great plans for the future of his herd because of the Grand Duke. However, his first night at Langara, the bull disappears. Rev Collin and Emily McGregor move into their new house and the whole town brings things for their housewarming. Even Mrs. McClusky stops by, but she isn’t welcomed by Emily. Since Duncan Jones is a merchant marine, the sea seems to be in his blood. He cares for Montana Hale and now he’s torn. He’s been offered a place on a ship and he wants to take it, but he feels he needs to stay and help the McGregors. Matt finds out the Grand Duke had been stolen not killed, like they had assumed. And, after some investigation, they locate “The Duke” and comically get him back. And the thief is dealt with.
Episode Three: “New Business”: Rob McGregor, who just returned to Petterson’s Ridge from a lengthy cattle drive, comes up against Mr. Smigens thrashing one of his horses with a whip. This is not acceptable behavior and Rob lets him know about it by punching him out. Mr. Smigens is the manager of the only public stable in Patterson’s Ridge and is charging exorbitant prices and mistreating the horses.
Montana Hale spills everything that happened with Duncan to Rob. Rob thanks her for being so honest. The auction takes place and, despite all his fancy pricey lawyers, the McGregor brothers fight it out.
The “Snowy River” series is awesome. The story lines are wonderful, the scenery is spectacular, and the characters draw you into their lives.