This partially-animated, special effects telling of the classic literature piece is stunning, but do not be fooled into believing this is a piece appropriate for children. This is a film for adults only, not a family picture. While the story of “Beowulf” is violent, the film seems determined to step it up a notch with men literally being ripped limb from limb. However, the star power of this film is phenomenal with Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie, and Robin Wright Penn. Film buffs interested in the technology will only be slightly disappointed with this beautiful animation process.
This film is not awarded our Dove Seal as a family film. The imagery of the monsters would be very disturbing to many viewers. There is also carefully disguised nudity throughout the story. In one long scene, Beowulf is naked but various objects or people are placed in front of him so that you cannot see genitalia. When you see Grendel’s mother, she is often naked; however, the level of nudity is the same as a naked Barbie doll – there is no definition to genitalia but the outline remains. Further content listings can be viewed below.