This DVD has a lot of merit and Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist, uses several Old and New Testament scriptures in his lectures, but interestingly enough there are sections in the DVD in which a belief in a higher force or power or law is mentioned. One statement is that we need to open ourselves up to sources of life larger than ourselves. Dr. Cloud does not become very specific about the concept of God, apart from some Scripture references, until he mentions the Judeo-Christian belief system specifically near the end of the film.
The principles and laws he mentions are all very good. Dr. Cloud references Psalms 37:4 about delighting one’s self in the Lord and he says that no matter what one believes there are universal principles. He has a minister and rabbi and ordinary people from various walks of life share experiences in which they survived a test of life. A woman who had been a pregnant teenager and felt as if God directed her to keep her child shares how he is her only child and is the president of the successful corporation she created. She felt she was obedient to God. The host speaks of seeking God when he was desperate and how he received a call that very day and was invited to a life-changing Bible study. This DVD explores our relationships with other people and the trust that we need to show God, because there are times in life in which that is all we have.
We award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this film and recommend it for an older audience as many young children would find it slow going.