The film, “Dog days of Summer”, features a mystery plot and has its dark moments. It deals strongly with human weakness and sin, and a lot of pain is included in the movie. Death is another prominent theme. A stranger moves to town, named Eli Cottonmouth, and he is hired by the town to create a special project for them. He keeps his work very secretive and some of the town people begin to pry out of curiosity. By film’s end, they are stunned with what he has left behind for them, a model which is a mirror of their own sin.
The film does include a scene in which a pastor cries out to Jesus, and there is a brief scene with a sermon being delivered from 1 Corinthians chapter fifteen. The film speaks of the pain sin can cause but how redemption and forgiveness are available. The themes are mature and this film seems to be geared more toward an audience who enjoys dark mysteries. The character of Phil, who returns to the town and remembers the sadness of his youth, is a symbol of overcoming great pain and loss. This is a well-directed film with ominous settings and moods. We are pleased to award this film our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.