“A Very Veggie Christmas”: This CD is more enjoyable to listen to if you have viewed any of the Christmas DVDs. It flashes back to other songs and situations the characters had been in. Most of the songs are Christmas carols that are sung by the veggie characters.
“The Incredible Singing Christmas Tree”. This CD is written in a story-like manner. You really need to listen to the whole CD to get the point of the story. It reminds me of a forgotten era when families would sit around the radio and listen to stories and songs.
Track ten had a good beat with a “soul” sound. On another track you could hear many different voices making a joyful noise unto the Lord. The last track (sixteen) was the best! The tune sticks in your head and leaves you singing: “It’s about love – that’s why we give our gifts away.”
“The Star of Christmas”. This VeggieTales DVD features a good story with a great lesson at the end. Cavis and Millward remember to go back to the jail to visit an unfortunate prisoner and bring him gifts for Christmas. Their kind hearts during a busy season make us stop and think of those less fortunate then us. The VeggieTales are geared more toward the five and over age group because of its fast paced dialog. As an adult, I can always find something humorous in these videos. For example: A loud applause breaks out from the crowd during the Christmas Pageant, although the “veggies” have no hands! The activity that is included with the video would be a wonderful thing to do together as a family. Everyone has to draw a name, and do random acts of kindness for that person for a week. What a wonderful way to spread some Christmas cheer!
“The Toy That Saved Christmas”. This VeggieTales DVD has a great story line; although it is easier for a 5-6 year-old to follow the story then a younger child. Louie, the toy that becomes real, finds the true meaning of Christmas. As with most VeggieTales, it is colorful and fast moving. There is adult humor, but you need to be looking and listening for it. The activities at the end of the video are always fun for the kids to do.
We happily award this holiday package our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.