This is one well written, directed and acted production. Pastor Armstrong Cane returns to his minister-father’s old church, having served fifteen years in prison as a result of killing a man in anger as they struggled with a knife. His dad is gone now but Pastor Cane is determined to move the church forward. He comes across a young likable man named Norris, who never-the-less is selling drugs. Pastor Cane begins to fight for his soul but Norris’ drug pusher, a man called Blaze, doesn’t want to let him go.
This drama takes several turns in the plot but despite some hardships for everyone who knows Norris, the surprise ending not only is a testament to the fact that no one is past saving, but it also demonstrates that, when he is tested, Pastor Cane comes through as having truly changed from the man he was.
I enjoyed watching this very much. It is a good story and well made. Dove happily awards our Seal to this film and we award it five Doves, our highest rating.