Approved for All Ages
Not only is Arlo a budding teenage genius, he’s also kindhearted and honest. "A promise is a promise, and I promise I’ll get you kissed," he tells Gus, a talking frog who claims that all he needs is a woman’s kiss and poof! he’ll be turned back into a prince. In return, the affable amphibian vows to get a date for Arlo, who trips over his tongue whenever he talks to a girl he’d like to date. Gus does give Arlo the confidence to ask Suzie to be his science-fair partner. But Arlo’s problems are far from over - especially after the science-fair judges scoff at his conclusions about frog communication and Gus takes matters into his own hands . . . er . . . webfeet. By sticking to what they believe in, Suzie and Arlo learn a fun yet powerful lesson about keeping their word.