“The Undiscovered Country” is referred to by Shakespeare in his play “Hamlet” and refers to death. It is an appropriate title for this sixth “Star Trek” film because not far into it a high-ranking Klingon official is assassinated. It happens at the beginning of negotiating a peace treaty between the Federation and the Klingons, and the dying official’s last words to Captain Kirk are, “Don’t let it end this way, Captain.”
There is a lot of action in this film with the use of a few Shakespeare quotes which match the situations nicely. Sulu is now the captain of his own ship, the Excelsior, and he moves in to help Kirk, Spock and McCoy, and the rest, at a critical time. Unfortunately, strong language including one character wishing that a certain group would go to “H” prevents us from awarding this picture our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.