This film follows “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” and is based on an episode of the original series called “Space Seed” in which Khan first shows up, played by actor Ricardo Montalban. He was exiled to a planet fifteen years earlier for his insurrection while aboard the Enterprise. He now manages to escape and vengeance is a dish he wishes to serve up cold to Admiral Kirk.
This film is considered to be one of the strongest of the “Star Trek” films and includes some interesting new characters, notably a Vulcan commander (Kirstie Alley) who learns much from Spock, and Admiral Kirk’s son. A major character makes a great sacrifice in the end and as a result Scottie plays bagpipes featuring “Amazing Grace” and it’s a treat. However, despite an interesting plot and slick special effects, there is strong language in the film, including one character “damning” another one. Due to the language content, Dove is unable to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this film.