“Delgo” is an animated movie that is aimed more towards an older audience, especially ones that enjoyed “Star Wars” or “Lord of the Rings.” It has something for everyone. It has all of the action and adventure often found in a fantasy world with winged creatures, strange looking monsters and a civilization that can control items with their minds. Then you also have to add in the evil sister that wants to take over the imaginary world they all live in with the help of the king’s general. Of course there are also a couple of corny sidekicks and a love attraction. Add this all together and you have a fast moving film that will amaze you with stunning (CGI) Computer Generated Imagery.
There are many battle scenes featuring hand to hand combat with the bad guys. But there are even some situations that will make you laugh. “Delgo” is truly entertaining. Small children may be a little frightened by the scary creatures and fight scenes but “Delgo” is a great family friendly film.
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