This is a three-episode collection from “The Little House on the Prairie” series. Episode 1 is titled “Town Party, Country Party “ and it deals with friends with disabilities. When picking teams for a running game no one chooses Olga, who has a disability and can’t run. Also included in this episode is the invitation to Nellie’s party, who wants to show the girls how the rich folk live. Laura and Mary decide to have a party and with help from their Pa they make Olga feel like one of the girls.
In “At the End of the Rainbow” in school the lesson is about the gold rush days. So when Laura and Jonah go fishing, they see gold flakes in the water which makes them decide to pan for gold. In the process they learn a valuable lesson about the consequences which result when you do things the wrong way. In the last episode, “Be my friend”, the story deals with an era when unwed pregnancies were frowned upon much more than they are today. Laura finds a message in a bottle floating in a stream from a young woman, who is frightened of her father due to her unwed pregnancy. Laura tells her pa of the situation and together they help this young woman. These stories show very clearly the right and wrong sides of life. There are great discussion topics for the family. This DVD has been awarded the Dove “Family-Approved“ Seal.
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