In this day and age we all need a reality check when it comes to our health and weight issues. This story takes the viewer on one woman’s journey to conquer her health problems due to her obesity.
Ruby, who is a wonderful charming and beautiful person, is well over 400 pounds. This is her trip in losing the first 100 in her weight-loss goal. You will get to know her team of trainers, doctors and friends as they help this fine woman with the many obstacles that she meets. Travel though the mental, emotional and spiritual challenges along with the physical ones she faces as she pushes on to a healthier life. This is a very encouraging and helpful film for family and friends alike. It will encourage many in this unhealthy world of obesity. Dove awards “Ruby: A Journey to Lose the First 100 Pounds” our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages 12 and over.
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