This is a literate story about a meteor shower which turns the world upside down. After David Dematti is separated from his family, he begins a quest to find them and battles the guilt he feels for not appreciating them more when he had them. Along the way he is chased and fired at by a renegade organization and also must avoid the continuing onslaught of meteors. To top it off, the earth’s water supply has been contaminated and David has precious little good water left. Along the way he finds a woman named Lin whom becomes a source of encouragement to him. This story leads to sacrifice and includes some powerful storytelling.
The story also includes a fair amount of violence which is listed below. Nothing gets to the point of being gratuitous. Fights take place within the story, some blood is shed, people are shot at, meteors strike suddenly and cause some major damage, and a woman becomes attracted to a married man although nothing happens. It is mainly a story of survival and of appreciating one’s family while one has a family to appreciate. David faces a painful separation from his family and realizes he didn’t fully appreciate what he formerly had.
This script could possibly be turned into a sci-fi apocalyptic film and might be very engaging if handled and directed the right way. At any rate, it meets Dove’s requirements as a family-friendly story and we gladly award our Dove Seal to this manuscript.