This is a dark picture, set in a dreary world of earth’s possible future. People live vicariously through the surrogates while they remain in the comfort of their homes. Considering how much some people stay at a computer screen, it is not a plot impossible to imagine. Bruce Willis stars as an FBI agent who investigates the murder of a college student. This leads into the plot of the surrogates who obviously play a large role in the picture. This high-tech vision is a special effects extravaganza and the special effects are extraordinary. The movie does make the viewer think about possible future scenarios and what he/she might do if given similar choices. Would some people be tempted to have a physically perfect version of themselves?
Unfortunately, the film is peppered with strong language and strong violence as well, in addition to a few strong sexual remarks and a drug reference. Due to these factors, we are unable to award this movie our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.