This is an imaginative story which has a dog named Jericho and other animals involved in bits and pieces of Jesus’ life before the crucifixion and briefly following the resurrection. The characters are delightful, including Miguel the chameleon, dogs Jericho, Ulysses, Ariana and the baby dog Dim Sum. Other characters include Petra and an evil character named Sykosus, who kills and sells local dogs in Jerusalem and who is determined to put an end to Jericho’s life. The story reveals how the love of Jesus impacts the various characters’ lives, including the evil Sykosus.
Although the events regarding the animals interaction with Jesus are obviously fictionalized, Jesus is portrayed as he is in the Bible, loving and compassionate, and true events are portrayed such as the Triumphal Entry, overturning of the money changers’ tables, and his false arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection. This is a warm and nice story and every family member can enjoy this DVD. We happily award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this DVD. It is terrific!