Despite some slow moving scenes in the beginning of the film, “Eclipse” is intriguing, mainly due to its dark nature and the other-worldly love of its main characters, Bella and vampire Edward (Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson). The film begins by picking up with Edward’s proposal to Bella which the previous film, “New Moon”, left off with. She gives him an answer which changes by film’s end but I won’t plot spoil here. Of course Taylor Lautner’s character, Jacob, plays a role in this love triangle. Jacob does his best to convince Bella she could be happier with his more normal existence (as a werewolf!) than by becoming one of the living dead by marrying Edward and allowing him to “change” her by turning her into a creature of the night.
There is a discussion in the film between Bella and Edward regarding where sex should be placed in the relationship, before or after a marriage, and to his credit Edward says he is old fashioned and wants to wait. One character views it as just a piece of paper but others defend marriage. One character nobly says that marriage is a way to say, “I love you.” However, due to the violence level, which rates a three in our content rating, it just misses the mark in being awarded our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.