The original “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” starring Mickey Mouse was a segment in the animated musical feature film “Fantasia,” produced by Walt Disney in 1940. This “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” – also by Disney – is a PG-rated live action-adventure film by the team of Jerry Bruckheimer and Nicholas Cage who gave us “National Treasure I and II.” (Both were Dove Family Approved)
There is plenty of good vs. evil in this movie with some dazzling special effects to boot. The use of the sorcery (as the title implies) is throughout the film. One evil character temporarily possesses another character. Alfred Molina makes a good villain and there is a lot of action on screen, but the story isn’t as strong as the two “National Treasure” films.
There are those who will look at this film as pure fantasy, and others who will see themes antithetical to Biblical teachings such as witchcraft and spell casting. We decided to err on the side of Biblical teachings and therefore rated this version of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” as ‘not family approved.’ However, for those who wish to make up their own minds, we always provide a complete listing of content at the bottom of this review. You can share your opinions at THE DOVE FOUNDATION FAN PAGE on Facebook and join the discussion there.