This is a movie well worth your viewing time! John Schneider does an outstanding job as a drifter who comes to Raymond, California as a scruffy looking man who searches for work and stirs up no sympathy from anyone at all, except a bit from the pastor. Pastor Henry is having his own problems as his wife and son were tragically killed in an automobile accident and his church attendance is down. He is considering leaving the ministry. On top of this, a powerful man named Alex York runs for mayor and plots to claim the church property and turn it into a casino.
After several people treat the drifter like he has the plague, so far as refusing to give him anything to eat despite the fact they know he is hungry, he makes a brief speech in church, telling them they have wasted opportunities to show what Jesus would do. Coughing and ill, he passes out on the church floor and is taken away for medical attention. Yet his comments haunt the small congregation, just as his words of “I feel your pain” haunts a man who intended to run him out of town.
Soon the town pulls together to stand against the corrupt Alex York, coming up with their own candidate, Virginia Paige. The pastor too begins to reconsider leaving his church and the members make a stand to hold on to their church, believing it is what Jesus would have them do. One woman helps a homeless girl. This movie will stir your emotions and may well cause you to examine your own spiritual life. How many movies have that effect these days? This film is remarkable and inspiring! We gladly award it five Doves, our highest rating.