“Long Road Home” is a movie about mending the family. This adventure-drama has some beautiful scenery set in 1977 in the Utah mountain area. Seth goes to live with the grandparents that he has never met until now. Due to a family difference Murdock, Seth’s grandfather, is unwilling to show the boy or tell him any information about his parents. But things happen that changes everything and helps to mend the fences on the “Long Road Home”.
Here is a family film like the ones that were watched in eras of the past. It is a story about repairing the damage that words and hurtful things sometimes cause in a family. If not mended, as the film points out, one might realize it sometimes too late. Seth and Murdock teach a lesson in this movie regarding the importance of love, kindness and forgiveness. It is a heartwarming movie for the entire family. This movie is awarded the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.
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