2011 Crystal Dove Seal Award Winner for Best Drama – Bethany Hamilton is one of the most amazing people we have come across in years; an avid surfer living in Hawaii who had her arm completely removed by a tiger shark when she was only 13 years old. This film, based on the true life story of Bethany’s experience, is one of few truly uplifting family films released by a major Hollywood studio in recent memory. The level of faith in God that Bethany and her family have is clearly portrayed in the film. Most of the story takes place on the water with incredible surfing scenes. (Real-life Bethany does all of the one-arm surfing in the film.)
This inspiring film is well-made and features a very convincing A-list cast; Helen Hunt, Dennis Quaid, Kevin Sorbo and Carrie Underwood. AnnaSophia Robb (Bridge to Terabithia) is spot on as Bethany.
Dove is pleased to award this moving inspirational story our “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. Caution to parents of young children: there is a very quick scene of a shark attack.