“A Wrinkle in Time” is a tale of good and evil based on the Newberry Award-winning novel by Madeleine L’Engle. Many children will have read this book and for the most part the movie follows the story closely. There are some frightening moments when the characters travel through time and space and they encounter a society ruled by a mind-controlling evil force. There are separations — the father is missing, the mother is sad and the siblings who need each other become parted. Fantasy characters come in many bizarre forms and are inserted throughout the film. A giant brain is the basis for the evil in the story, although it is primarily heard but not seen. The special effects are dazzling and the story is vibrant and fun to watch. Themes of family, trust, friendship and strength amidst insurmountable odds are woven into the intricate fabric of this story.
We approve this charming and imaginative film for families with children ages 12 and over and award it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.