This is the story of several HS couples vying to hook up with a date for the ever-important Senior Prom. The cast of characters is your typical HS ensemble. There’s the ever-popular cutie, the boy jock, the non-conformist dude from the wrong side of the tracks (who turns out to be a good guy), the junior classmates trying to act grown up. Add an oriental couple and African American couple, the geek and the spoiler chick, and you have something for everybody at the Prom.
The story is rather predictable and a bit sappy, but it is also sweet and innocent, which is a grand departure from typical teenage romantic comedies of today. The characters are by-in-large, positive role models for today’s teens. The girls were dressed conservatively, the boy/girl kissing was discrete and no passionate scenes in bed or the back of someone’s car. The worst thing that happens is one jerk/jock two-times his girl and pays for it in the end.
All in all, “PROM” is a good fit for high-schoolers. It’s entertaining, but certainly no “Band Slam” or “Hanna Montana.” Many teenage girls in the audience chuckled and sighed in all the right places. Due to some language issues, we recommend “PROM” to audiences over age 12.