This movie is about a boy’s love for a horse. It is based on the novel by Marguerite Henry. It begins in 1727 in North Africa and the Arab boy, Agba, is beside himself with terror when a sword is almost used on a hurt colt. However, it lives and young Agba grows even more attached to it. They share adventures and many homes as the boy is forced to travel from place to place. His story resembles that of Joseph at times from the book of Genesis, as he is lied on and forced into difficult situations which he doesn’t deserve. He must also deal with being unable to speak, although his hearing and understanding are both excellent.
However, even after brief times of separation, he always seems to wind up reunited with Sham, the name given to his horse. The horse goes through many owners but it is always Agba who is faithful to him. Ultimately, Sham’s true strengths are revealed and he is pitted against another horse in a race which just might reveal why Agba believed in him all along.
Due to language, and a few incidents of violence, we are recommending this movie for ages twelve and above. This movie is rich with its portrayals of characters, both good and evil. “King of the Wind” soars in its storytelling and action sequences and families everywhere will enjoy it. It is not to be missed!