Heaven’s rain is the gripping story surrounding the real-life tragic events that took place in the lives of the Douglass family. After the brutal murder of Brooks Douglass’ parents and rape of his sister, Brooks goes on to become the youngest state senator in Oklahoma history where he passed a series of victims’ rights bills. This story is as compelling as it is hard to watch. The tragic events of the brutal assaults are depicted as realistically as possible and yet as difficult as they may be to watch are essential parts of this moving story. In the end, Brooks is faced with the choice of being forever haunted by his past or choosing to forgive the criminals who perpetrated such a heinous crime against him and his family.
We encourage you to carefully read our content descriptions below so you are aware of the intense content of this film. That said, we are pleased to award this film our “Faith Based” Seal with a caution for its violent content.