This DVD contains a wonderful story about a woman who is determined to get her entire family together for Christmas dinner, with the added hope that her long-time boyfriend will propose to her. Sandra and Michael have lived together for fourteen years and they have a thirteen year old daughter. During Michael’s previous marriage his former wife and unborn child were tragically killed in an automobile accident by a drunk driver on Christmas Eve. Although the couple lives together, we are pleased to say the boyfriend has a change of heart by the end and realizes the importance of marriage. He also learns to become a better father and to slow down on his workaholic ways. The redemptive theme is obvious in this film.
The movie includes a humorous scene of Michael’s father praying over dinner. It is a laugh-out-loud moment. We recommend this DVD for viewers, age twelve and above, and we are pleased to award the film our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.